(In no particular order)
Hostility towards and/or fear of people you don’t know .
Bothersome thoughts have a hold on you--you can’t let go of them, and for some reason you don’t want to.
Wish something or someone was different.
Due to certain circumstances, you feel you have no choice but to worry.
Due to certain circumstances, you feel you have no choice. (There is always the choice to open to whatever is happening, and allow it to be what it is. Surrender is a powerful choice when you have no control.)
Uncomfortable in silence.
Do anything & everything to distract from the fact of your death.
Do anything & everything to distract from the fact of your life.
Judge/compare others and yourself. (Believe one to be better or worse than the other, smarter or dumber than the other, deserving more or less than the other. None of these options are possible.)
Expect anything from anyone.
Expect nothing of yourself, as far as how you conduct your one and only opportunity on planet earth.
Make decisions from a place of fear; allow fear to limit your options.
Ignore your inspirations due to fear, and make a lot of excuses about it.
Limit and restrict your life experience by identifying as a skin color, gender, religion, bank account balance, career, or any other. label/credential/characterization. (Others may identify you as such, but that isn't your responsibility)
Can’t sit still and do nothing.
Not aware of the stress/tension in your body, and once you are aware you ignore it.
Not aware of how shallow you are breathing, and once you are aware you ignore it.
Not aware of how dehydrated you are, and once you are aware you ignore it.
You believe the misunderstanding that you need more, that you don’t have enough.
You believe the misunderstanding that you are inadequate, that you aren’t enough.
Resist life by resisting change.
Resist the fact of whatever is happening.
Wasting time or being unkind or losing your temper or lying to yourself or eating unconsciously or being greedy or being impatient or feeling ashamed or feeling guilty, especially when you would probably choose to act differently (instead of re-act), if only you could.
React helplessly to situations, people, places, things, because of fear.
Believe your life can’t be easy, open, natural, because of fear.
Intentionally or by default, you choose to live in the “comfort zone.” (which is more like a dis-comfort zone as it limits choices, free will and full human development)
Uncomfortable in nature.
Affected by other people’s emotions, and respond/react to them.
Take things personally.
Feel out of control. (which we are, when we are reacting)
Value the random opinions of yourself and others.
Worry about what anyone else is doing, rather than checking inside to see what you are doing, how are you living your life.
* Sleep-walking, as defined by me:
1. Unconsciously navigating this world, without executing free will to make choices on how to experience the only moment that actually is.
2. Abdicating responsibility for the quality of this moment, which is your life. There is nothing more important than tending to this moment.
3. Disconnected from or not participating in the moment. As in, “if you are plugged into a device, you may not be plugged into your own life.” As in, “Only that day dawns to which we are awake.” Henry David Thoreau. As in, “An unexamined life is not worth living.” Plato.