The more I focus on operating in partnership with Wisdom (the best, most courageous, kind, honest, smart, and “supreme” version of myself), the more I perceive the body / mind / personality entity as a blob.
It may not be blob-shaped, at least not now. The body is a complex vessel of tissue, which allows us to navigate the planet. Nothing more and nothing less.
As a human-shaped blob, writing can be overwhelming. I’m inspired to write, so denying that urge feels awful. But as a blob, I have nothing to say. Nothing.
That was the situation one morning. During morning journaling, I asked the Supreme version to give me some material. The message that volunteered itself, yet again: Be Still and Breathe. I remembered, yet again, that is my duty. I sat and breathed, and the medicine worked its cure. It calmed and centered me, easing any burden I didn’t know I carried.
The more I sit down to write, the more my confidence grows. It’s not confidence in myself, however, but confidence in Wisdom. She inspires me to write and shows up to co-create and play. She always attends, even if my personality wants to get in the way and make our play feel like work. She doesn’t care, I’d bet, because she takes nothing personally and has nothing better to do but support me.
She has taught me to surrender to Her away from the keyboard too, as I seek a more satisfying, comfortable, easy, and authentic life experience. She reminds me: get out of the way!
Following inspiration is a practice in courage, determination, discipline, and trust. When we want to try something new, change a behavior, or follow a dream, we must overcome the obstacles to which we’ve become accustomed. If we are inspired to change, we must examine the mentality that stops us. As always, the obstacles are fear-based and negative.
Courage comes from trusting the inspiration and trusting the finest version of ourselves. That Supreme entity has our best interests at heart and knows our full potential. She is fearless, to be sure.
I honor this partnership by trying to make quality choices that promote Her inspiration. Her job is to guide me. My job is to be still, breathe, and nourish/hydrate the blob, among other important tasks.
In every way, I have nothing to say, and I couldn’t be more grateful. I am a human blob, that can allow life to pass through and around it, with little resistance, interference, or effort on my part. And when I can’t, I get to practice yet again.
This is a practice of Supreme Being.