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Imagine Open

Just for a moment, imagine that every single thing, person, situation is occurring perfectly, simply because that’s how it’s occurring.

In this moment, imagine that everything that ever happened in the past must be as it is. As it must.

Imagine that the future will fully take care of itself. As it will.

Imagine in this magical moment that there is no need to respond, change, fix, or do anything.

Imagine no need to micromanage every tiny aspect of life, by judging, rushing, resisting, reacting, complaining, or wishing for anything.

Imagine nothing "should" or could be different, in this particular moment.

Imagine no need to carry the burden of an opinion about anything.

Imagine no need to have a story running about anything. And if there is a story running, that is also perfectly fine. The story can co-exist peacefully in this moment, because it does.

Imagine all is well, and any idea to the contrary is a simple misunderstanding.

In this sacred moment, the only one that actually is, imagine Open.

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