I would tell you, young me, to take your time. Time is your most valuable asset, and the only actual time is now. The quality of this moment is the quality of your life.
I would tell you that rushing is just another way to resist this moment. Rushing slows you down, because you make mistakes or create havoc due to the distraction of rushing. But mostly, I would tell you how delicious it is to savor each moment with your active attention.
You cannot “beat the clock,” for there is no clock and there is no time. There is only now.
I learned this on the yoga mat. Take your time. The transition between poses is just as important as the pose, and maybe even more so. Many injuries can occur when moving to a new pose, especially if you are rushing and not paying attention. You may not take the time and attention to set up the pose’s foundation properly, so it isn’t aligned, balanced, comfortable, or pleasant.
The same applies to life. You can rush around in life, so that it passes in a blur. You can rush from one thing to the next, stumbling and bumbling your way through and never actually showing up for any of it.
I know you well, younger me. You are rushing to avoid yourself. You don’t want to face the perception you have of yourself--which is completely false. You don’t want to face your fears. Because of fear, you don’t want to face your dreams. And you most certainly do not want to face the fact of your death, so you avoid the fact of your life.
Life can only be experienced now. This moment is a bridge from the past to the future. It is when life happens. If you aren’t checked into it, you aren’t living as fully as possible. If you are rushing, you are disconnected from the only moment that matters. By slowing down, you can more competently make choices and “set the foundation” for the next moment.
I would tell you that life is easy, if you break it down to the one little moment that is. Each moment is an opportunity to be aware, aligned, balanced, comfortable, and pleasant. Each moment brings a choice: open or closed.
I would tell you to practice open. Practice courage. Practice awareness. These are blessings you give yourself.