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This I Pray

May I pause in a moment, breathe, and make a choice that supports the inspirations of my heart.

May I remember my dreams and practice them in each moment.

May I allow this moment, this world, and this life experience to be exactly as it is.

May I accept all things beyond my control.

May I practice all things within my control and examine without judgement when I don't.

May I return to this moment, the only one, and occupy it fully. And when I don’t, may I notice.

May I be grateful to that wise entity within me (and is me) as it guides me back to this moment, this breath, and this intention.

May I pray to that wise entity within me (and is me) as it gives me the confidence to try, the courage to fail, and the determination to try again.

May I Be a Blessing to Myself.


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