It must be said: Every word I write is for me. I post on here publicly (to a very small and deeply appreciated audience), but every message is for me.
I sit down with my Wisest, Kindest, Bravest, Best Self (Supreme Being) and ask It to play with me on the keyboard. I find that if I take writing too seriously, the stress of expectation confuses the process. Fear of writing (or any other creative or other endeavor) is real.
Like all life’s adventures, I want writing to be easy, interesting, and satisfying. I want to enjoy myself. I aspire to open and flow with Supreme Being and discover what gets written. (And that is exactly what yoga is--"Yoking" the person to Supreme Being, however one defines It.)
To approach writing with constriction seems pointless and unpleasant. In the process of writing, I’ve come to discover that Wisdom writes to and for me alone. I like to share it, for three reasons. One: Maybe the words will resonate with someone else’s Wisdom, for we are much the same. Two: Fear limits free will, so posting articles is a practice in fearlessness…. which feels liberating and fantastic. Three: I’ve always had a dream to be a writer, so here I am writing and posting stuff. Done and done.
Wisdom tells me what I want and need to know, to experience an easy, interesting, and satisfying life. More precisely, Wisdom tells me what I already know but don’t seem able or willing to face and execute.
Denying Wisdom comes with a painful price, which I’d prefer not to pay. Human confusion is great, so I don’t always know I’m denying Wisdom’s guidance on how best to experience my life. But I know when I’m disgruntled and confused and blame outside events and situations. I come up with stories about why I’m not living my best life, all looking outside myself.
When I return to the only universe that matters (mine), I discover that the answers are already there. Wisdom keeps nudging me, subtly but persistently. And writing (in a journal or for the blog or any other writing efforts) shines a light on the stuff I’m trying to ignore. Such as:
Be still. And if I can’t be still, study the situation and practice, until I can.
Be kind. And if I can’t be kind, study the situation and practice, until I can.
Be brave. And if I can’t be brave, study the situation and practice, until I can.
And so on.
Like all the other words on this blog, this one is for me.
What is for you?